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Name (last, first, middle):

Grigoryants Armen A.


The lecturer, Dept. of Calculus mathematics and Computer Science, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University

Official Address:

Ovsep Emin str. 123, 375051, Yerevan, Armenia, Tel: 374-2-257032, e-mail:


Graduated from Department of Mathematics, Yerevan State University, 1993




Doctor of Mathematics (candidate of math. sci.) “Differential And Tensor Calculus In Categories And Their Applications In The Theory Of Partial Differential Equations”.



(i) main field:

Differential geometry (actually)

(ii) other fields:

Categories theory (actually)
Commutative algebra (actually)
Coding theory (actually)
Differential equations (formal)

(iii) current research interests:

1.     Derivatives and integrals in abstract categories.

2.   Cascade codes building (new constructions)


Russian, English.

Main publications:

1.     Local properties of differential operators in categories of modules, Izvestiya Natsionalnoi Akademii Nauk Armenii. Matematika, N5, 1998.


2.     On one interpretation of torsion tensor of a connection, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika, N8, pp1998.

Resent Publications:

1.     Tensor product in categories. International geometric seminar of name of the Lobachevsky. Kazan, February 4-6 1997. Thes. of rep., p. 37


2.     Local properties of differential operators in categories of modules. International school-seminar on geometry and analysis of memory of the Efimov. Abrau-Durso, September 5-11 1998  . Thes. of rep., pp. 188-189


3.     On torsion tensor. International school-seminar on geometry and analysis of memory of the Efimov. Abrau-Durso, September 26 – October 4 1996. Thes. of rep., pp. 13-14.

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